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The strength of your network begins with an optimized physical infrastructure.

Data Center Advisory Services

Data center professionals are under pressure to implement next-generation technology to deliver maximum network performance.  The key to success lies in mapping the logical architecture to the physical infrastructure making the most efficient use of power, cooling, speed, space, and performance. Yet more often than not these physical aspects are overlooked.


Panduit Advisory Services works with you to design and deploy solutions that take a 360-degree look at the physical layer of your data center to ensure that the foundation—the physical infrastructure—is reliable, flexible and able to deliver maximum performance.


Our data center service offerings include:

For over 20 years, Panduit has provided innovative physical infrastructure solutions for clients. We have developed solutions that can allow your network to send data faster and more reliably and that reduce your operating expenses. Our focus has been and will continue to be on how the physical layer interacts with the logical layers of the network. Therefore, we can provide you with faster problem identification, better solutions, and more efficient implementation of those solutions.